Dropshipping Problem Solving Products
A major key to starting any new business is to solve a problem that others are experiencing, and not just any problem. One that people would actually be willing to pay money to solve. Dropshipping problem solving products is one of the best methods to increase the likelihood of success for your ecommerce business. Look for these problems in your daily life. Often when you hear friends complaining about something it’s a problem that others are having too. Take notes every time you hear about a new problem, each issue is an opportunity.
I have a friend who in college constantly heard friends complain about the parking on campus, so you know what he did? He created an app that solved parking, but he found a better niche in big sporting and music events rather than college campuses. Business opportunities are everywhere. The dropshipping business model gives you the opportunity to capitalize on all of them.
When brainstorming dropshipping problem solving products consider the following three key aspects to fire your creativity and fuel your ecommerce business:
Having a growth mindset is key to enhancing your creativity and likeliness to think outside the box when researching dropshipping problem solving products. A growth mindset is one in which you believe you can learn continuously, gain more knowledge, and stay open to new ideas. The opposite would be having a fixed mindset, meaning you are set in your own beliefs and not open to any change or growth. Maintaining a growth mindset will allow you to be an open book for new opportunities that you see in the world around you. It will allow you to look at problems from different angles, using creativity to solve them in ways never thought before. Plus, it’s just more fun living with an eagerness to learn and grow. Having that internal motor to continuously strive for greatness will fuel your entrepreneurship journey.
Having a group of people that support you is key to becoming a successful entrepreneur. When your friends maintain a growth mindset along with you, you’ll be able to bounce new ideas off each other constantly. You’ll be able to grow in knowledge and creativity tenfold. You won’t be held back, rather you will be pushed forward to discover new ideas to solves any issues you see in the world around you. You’ll be able to hear about problems you didn’t even know people were experiencing, and brainstorm ideas on how to capitalize on those issues. Keep a good team around you always!
Brainstorming Tools
Rather than blindly throwing darts at a board to see where they stick, use actual brainstorming tools to help you solve some of these problems. There is plenty of research out there with brainstorming tools, but my favorite resource is “Simply Brilliant” by Bernhard Schroeder. He breaks down several brainstorming tools in his book to help you “fire your creativity.” For example, he talks about the SCAMPER method:
- Substitute: What components of the product/service can we substitute?
- Combine: Can we combine the product/service with other products/services?
- Adapt: Can we alter any aspect of the product/service?
- Maximize or Minimize: Can we enlarge or greatly reduce some aspect of the product/service to make it better?
- Put to Other Use: Can the product/service serve a completely different purpose or use?
- Eliminate: What aspects of the products/service can we take away to make it better?
- Rearrange or Reverse: Can we rearrange the product or reverse the process?
Using tools such as SCAMPER, among others, will allow you to capitalize on business opportunities that are presented before you! Following these simple aspects will allow you to grow a list of dropshipping problem solving products that are unique to the market.
What are some problems that people in the world are facing right now in quarantine from the coronavirus?
Anxiety – Many people are stressed about the situation while remaining alone in their homes. How can you help solve their stress? A few product ideas could be a new kitchen appliance, a new game, or a cool electronic gadget. This projector would give them a home theater experience allowing them to feel like they aren’t so isolated.
Boredom – Have you seen all of the videos of people doing weird shit after being locked in their homes for a week? Research a few eye-catching products in the gaming and consumer electronics categories to start testing. How about a selfie stand for all those people trying to be famous on Tik Tok?
Fitness – Most of the gyms in the United States have closed, so how do people stay fit while at home? Provide them dropshipping products that solve this issue. Use Zendrop to find the hottest fitness products, create videos using Viral Ecom Vidz, and follow this Facebook ad strategy to begin testing. As you see below, there are people taking advantage of this trend and selling hundreds of these resistance bands for in-home workouts every day.
While others close down take the opportunity to grow. Now is a great time to test products and find a winner. Start with dropshipping problem solving products to increase the likelihood of success. Brainstorm some new ideas for products that haven’t been seen by the market yet. If you are able to source one of these products you have in mind it could be a huge winner during this time.
Keep a growth mindset and keep pushing!
Checkout Nate Schmidt’s video about how he learned to brainwash himself to become successful:
Also, checkout a few of my latest blog post including a Coronavirus dropshipping update.
- Sell The Trend Shops: Revolutionizing E-Commerce with Branded Website Creation for Dropshipping
- How Sell The Trend Uses AI to Find Winning Products in 2024
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